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關於grow taller的評價, 曹格 Gary Chaw

今天我女儿Grace生日。 看到网友们做的影片看着看着我就哭了。很感谢爱我们家的朋友们。不管未来会是怎么样,我们一定会给Joe和Grace满满的爱。 Grace 姐姐六岁了,谢谢大家。 Trea...

艾力克斯 Alex


Video - Happy Noah This is Noah the younger twin by 2 minutes ... During pregnancy at 33 weeks he just stopped growing compared to the other twin Adam . Doctors decided to take both out early at 35 weeks fearing complications ... Noah weighing 2.0 kg while Adam at 2.4 kg ... Noah was a true fighter being at NICU for 2 weeks fighting for his life ... And Alhamdulillah now he’s bigger, taller and heavier than Adam ... even bullying Adam every time . Haha I noticed babies who are born small and premature below 2 kg are usually true fighters in life . They usually try to prove a point that they are better than others . They always grow to be tall and big as they grow up . Something about wanting to thrive ... Just a theory .... Good Morning Everyone Love As Always ... PS - Tasha was 1.6 kg at birth . Much smaller and lighter while Bella was a chubby baby at 3.6 kg . I was born at 1.8 kg back then ... Just sharing ...

Video - Happy Noah This is Noah the younger twin ...